MAKE the difference
MAKE the difference

3 Fitness Habits


Like anything else in life, when we’re looking to make a lasting change, consistency is key. To become and stay fit, we must make habits that work for us. What works for me is focusing on these three fitness habits. To really form and implement these habits to consistency, you MUST start with one per month. After a few months, you will have formed a solid foundation of consistent fitness habits.


Fitness Habit #1 Good Eating

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that abs start in the kitchen. Well, it couldn’t be more true. The easiest way for me to remember to eat good is to think about regular vs. premium fuel. Sports cars do NOT run on regular fuel, it gums up the engine and causes a multitude of problems. Minivans, on the other hand, can run on regular fuel with no problems, but they don’t move nearly as fast. Do you treat your body like a sports car or a minivan? The key to good eating is to find what works for you and makes your tummy happy. In the first part of this article I outline a couple of ways to find what works best for you. In addition, take a look at this article from Food Revolution to understand how to make your tummy really happy. Make sure to be realistic with the eating habits you form, keeping sustainability in mind. Never having treats is not sustainable. I make this work for me by enjoying one treat per day, whether it be a beer, chocolate, or protein ice cream.


Fitness Habit #2 Early Rising

Benjamin Franklin’s old adage, “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,” is a mantra I repeat every morning when the alarm goes off at 6 am. Before I started building in time for myself every morning, I always felt like I was a couple steps behind throughout the day and could never seem to catch up. Taking the time to practice yoga, do a short workout, or walk the dogs, and make breakfast in the morning has changed my life. To start, wake up 15 min earlier every day until you reach your optimum rising time. The key is to make sure you’re going to bed 15 min earlier, as well. And don’t stress if you miss a day, just set the alarm and follow through the next. This article from Men’s Health helped me get through those times when I missed and wanted to give up and sleep in. To set your optimum rising time, work backward from when you have to be at your day job.


Fitness Habit #3 Associative Actions

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve heard about Pavlov’s dogs . Every time he rang the bell, they knew they were going to get food. Though slightly more advanced, similarly, our brains can associate triggers with actions. Make your own associative actions to create lasting habits. For example, every night before I brush my teeth, I do fifty body-weight squats and twenty push-ups. If I put toothpaste on my toothbrush without having done my squats and push-ups, something feels off. This is the power of association. Try this yourself while creating your own fitness habits. This article from Cleverism has a very strong argument for the best way to form habits of associative actions.


Have you tried any of the above and succeeded/ failed? What works best for you?


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